
The wind whispered



5 Years
02-14-2014, 06:41 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2014, 06:42 AM by Novella.)

"I have never seen the ocean. It must be something you are used to. We... we lived near a river that ran into a lake. It was immense! I have heard of oceans but I cannot imagine one... so I wish to see it." Novella smiled softly at the words as she stepped up to her new friend's side. "I hadn't before either. It was only when I came to Alacritis that I saw it for the first time." Novella began. "Ludicael is near the coast so I've gotten quite used to it, did take some time though." She didn't say much else, not wanting to tell her too much right away, she should see it first.

She went to continue onwards, leading the way this time now that Gwyndolyn seemed a little more hesitant. She paused in her movements however as she caught sight of a familiar figure and now diverted her course slightly to move towards her sister. "Hello Novella. What brings you out here? And hello there, I'm Song." Tail wagged happily as she came to a stop before Song, nuzzling her in greeting. "Hello Song" She responded happily. "I was just taking a bit of a walk and exploring." She didn't reveal her entire reasons of possibly finding her nieces and of course hoping to locate Myth at some point, given the fact she hadn't spoken to Song about her plan yet. "This is Gwyndolyn, she's not seen the ocean before so we're on our way there now."

On the mention of her new friend, Novella's gaze moved back to the grey female. "Song is my sister." She explained to her, though perhaps after the mention of the mismatched eyes Gwyndolyn may have guessed that for herself.