


02-14-2014, 07:43 PM



move TWO of FOUR

She had to ignore the pain, couldn't let it effect her fight, adrenaline pumping. The moment the man's grip on her flesh loosened to allow his head to rotate, she would pull her body away slightly, giving him a mouthful of skin folds and very little hold of her muscles. With his initial bite, jaws clamping down, hungry to crush her spine, he had given her a decent bite wound. The puncture holes would go about an inch into the folds and fat, scratching the surface of her muscles, not allowing him to go past and snag her ribs in an attempt to fracture or break. And with her shoulders moving upwards she would feel his grip vanish, retreating for his next attack.

Her attempt in shoving the man back would be unsuccessful, his body leaning back to avoid the force. Either way she didn't care, a shove was nothing compared to the bite she wanted to deliver. Hungrily she had gone for his upper right foreleg, hoping to grab his elbow with her upper jaw and inner armpit with her lower. Of course this would not happen however, if everything could go your way this fight wouldn't have been happening. With his backward lean her jaws missed their target, instead sinking into the flesh of his shoulder between his chest(not sure how she would have got the front when her head was rotated left to snag the elbow with her upper jaw) and upper portion of his inner armpit. Giving the man a small wound, not what she was hoping for, even with how she lunged with the bite.

Front limbs would plant themselves back onto the ground after her shove, back legs repositioning themselves beneath her, spreading all four equally to redistribute her weight, unaware of her success in stepping on his toes (as mentioned in last para). Limbs would bend slightly, toes splayed and toes gripping the earth beneath her while she still held a somewhat low position. With right ear back and eyes narrowed she would hold her grip on his upper right foreleg, neck retracting and forming skin folds, head rotating left, attempting to pull at the flesh even if she had a hold of the fat beneath his skin and twist. With very little time to react, with how her head was rotated to the left, her right blue eye would catch movement from the man's skull. A growl of irritation rumbling in the back of her throat as she was forced to release her hold on his foreleg to avoid, what would be assumed a severe attack to the face. Head would pull back and re-rotate so her head was parallel to the ground as her neck retracted, body making a small lean back as well. She would be unable to avoid the attack however, but Isardis also wouldn't get what he aimed for. Inside of canines grabbing her eye sockets, pain would shoot up from her upper jaw, his fangs cutting the sides of her muzzle, creating decent lacerations.

Right shoulder would meet his chest, creating little-decent bruising, and she would feel a pressure on her left shoulder from his right shoulder pushing forward but not enough to cause pain or bruising, the two coming towards each other. Head would be brought towards his lower chest, her legs remaining spread evenly, grounded. Shoulders would roll forward, jaws clenched and muscles rippled with tension and relief to allow movement when needed. And then it happened, he would propel himself forward. Seraphine would quickly yank her muzzle from his grasp, willing to suffer the cuts the action would cause. Head would swing downward and to the left, forelegs bending then crossing over each other in a side step to the left as well to bring her halfway from the chest coming at her to reduce the force before quickly replanting her paws and digging her heels into the ground. His chest would meet the right portion of her chest, and with the force it would cause soreness and moderate bruising. Her breathing began to quicken.

Head would rise suddenly with force, neck reaching out, attempting to smash the top of her skull into his lower right jaw while keeping her neck along the bottom right side portion of his own. Should she be successful, her head would hit his jaw where they open and close then retract, jaws would open wide then lunge downward in an attempt to grab hold of the lower portion of the right side of his neck. Should she be successful in grabbing hold, even if it isn't where she aimed, her head would pull back, making the skin fold up, a firm grip of his flesh that would tighten as she pulled back and gave a twist to the right. Skin around her own neck would fold up when she pulled, back legs pushing her forward, trying to make as little space between the two as possible. Right foreleg would rise off the ground, folding at the elbow to bring her paw upward in an attempt to hook around the left side of the base of his neck.