
pack plotting. <3 amenti chlng.


02-14-2014, 10:21 PM

Putting this here. If Six wins these will be the ranks. I wanna plot some potential members/followers!!!!! (i also rlly just dont wanna lose this.)

The Regale
Tier 1 Rank: Imperatrix
Description: The equivlent to an Alpha. Her words over rules all.

Tier 2 Rank: Rex
Description: The mate of the Imperatrix. He is beneath her but his word is nearly as good as hers. He can accept members, demote, enforce punishment and banish. If the Imperatrix falls inactive or something happens to her the Rex will take her place as the leader of Amenti.

Tier 3 Rank: Princeps/Principissa
Description: The chosen offspring of the Imperatrix and Rex to be the next ruler of Amenti. Until the age of 2 he or she has no real power over any of the other members. If the Imperatrix and Rex are inactive or something happens to them in character the Princeps/Prncipissa will take their as the leader of Amenti if over the age of 2.
The Virtus
Tier 4 Rank: Archidux/Archiducissa
Description: A single Wolf that has shown leadership and loyalty to the pack. He or she has the ability to enforce laws and punishments as well as accept members into Amenti. Gret repsect is to be given to the Archidux and/or Archiducissa.

Tier 5 Rank: Marchio/Marchionissa
Description: Three Wolves that have shown leadership and loyalty to the pack. They will take care of organizing hunts, fight training, and defensive training. They will be able to enforce minor punishments and accept members at the borders.

Tier 6 Rank: Eques
Description: The Eques are the Royal Guard. They are usually strong and capable fighters. They will serve when they are needed. If a Regale calls it is their duty to get up no matter what and help. They will help with combat training and ensure that the borders are safe at all times. They may enforce minor punishment and accept members at the borders.
The Alos
Tier 7 Rank: Militis
Description: These Wolves act as the strength of the pack. In order to gain and keep this rank you must either spar, training, or fight at least once every month. The Militis should not be afraid to harm others in the name of their leaders or to jump into action upon say.
Tier 8 Rank: Venator
Description: The Venator are solely meant for keeping the pack well fed. They must hunt for not only themselves but for the pack. They have to make sure the packs supply is well stocked for winter and healthy. In order to gain and keep this rank you must either lead or attend at least one hunt a month with two or more wolves.
Tier 9 Rank: Rememdium
Description: These wolves are responsible for keeping the pack well and healthy. They must study herbs and remedies. In order to gain and keep this rank you must either discover a new herb/plant/remedy at least once a month. More experienced Rememdiums may have students.
The Minuo
Tier 10 Rank: Liber
Description: The Liber are the pups of the pack. These should be watched and cared for at all times. Only Wolves beneath the age of 2 may have this rank.
Tier 11 Rank: Tiro
Description: The basic recruit rank. These Wolves have yet to be sorted into their respected ranks and have no sort of purpose in the pack.
The Sceleratus
Tier 12 Rank: Claustrum
Description: These Wolves are the captives, prisoners, or slaves of Amenti. They are not to be looked directly in the eye and are to be shunned.

The word of Six is final. Respect is the way of gaining rank. You must prove yourself within the pack. Amenti must be a force. Six drives a hard reign and must see constant work in order for you to prosper. The pack is neutral but has darker tenancies. Breaking a law is met with punishment no matter what. If you prove yourself worthy and add respect your time in Amenti will be worth the while.

Verbum meum lex
1. Never deny The Regale.
2. Inform someone of The Regale or The Virtus if you plan or are with child so the pack can prepare.
3. If your character goes inactive unless there are very specific and reasonable terms they will be removed from the pack.
4. If you neglect your duty as a Militis, Venator, or a Rememdium you will receive a strike. Upon two strikes you will be either demoted or kicked from the pack.
5. Males and Females are equal but rank means all in the terms of the final say and power.
6. Killing or raping another pack mate results in banishment, maim, a death match, or demotion to the Claustrum rank.
7. Challenge for the rank that you wish, but the challenge must be approved by The Regale before hand.