
i'll hold you tight in my arms


02-14-2014, 10:38 PM
Her twinkling purple eyes matched the lovely hues of blue and blank that danced across the sky. Flickers of yellow light filled the air in little bursts. She had been following his scent. His. Her mate. The love of her life. She fell in love so fast and enjoyed every single bit of it. The girl was not one for mates and stability but oh boy, she could not get enough of Aldoro. Six knew he was near, she enjoyed his scent almost a little to much. It did not smell of blood of female so she was happy about that. As her eyes met his ebony form the woman smiled instantly. Her tail wagged as she put a little more pep in her step and slid to him. Tiger lilies danced around her until she was standing over him. The black and white behemoth yipped. She leaned down and nipped at his ear. "Oh, my Aldoro, I love you!" The girl positioned herself to lay next to him. She looked into his eyes and licked his muzzle. "I cannot stand to be from you for so long!" She leaned in and littered his muzzle with a few more kisses as she leaned on him and sighed. "I love you." She had to say it again, it was like she needed to. The woman let her tail wind with his as her ears flicked. Oh how she loved that moment.