



02-17-2014, 02:51 AM

The abomination would twist her skull to her left, pulling away from him in the similar moment he had poised the attack for her eyes; feeling the skin of his right lower chest pulling uncomfortably beneath the pressure, but the worst of the damage had already been done, and by the time she had begun to react to his facial attack, she had seemed to release- leaving behind the gaping wound she had already formed, only with leather more viciously disturbed, greater lacerations painting crimson slashes of brilliant rose against his pale jacket (virtually 6cm long through the skin, depth unaffected from past round). Her weight would alter, leaning backwards as his jaws came to land against the structures of her face; exactly where he was unsure, however it was clear he had attained a grasp on both sides, perhaps closer to her muzzle than her aspired eye sockets- feeling his upper jaw against her leftwards skull, and lower jaw against her right.

Of course, he had attempted to hold her in place for his forward attack, however as his right shoulder made contact with her left, it seemed the woman would snatch her muzzle/face from the tension of his jaws; sending his rigid mandibles clashing together, vacant, as she wormed out from beneath them, having been reluctant to give in to failure. By some god-gifted power of speed she had stepped to her left, risking her balance to save the strain he had tried to damn upon her neck. With his right shoulder apparently in contact with her left shoulder, he was unable to explain how she had managed to lower her skull to her left and out of harm?s way; alas, it was what it was, and within such a fast-paced battle the King had no time to risk pondering. His right shoulder would pulse with the energized kick of a collision with her own right, frontal shoulder, the freak having avoided the full thrusting power of his chest.

Re-adjusting; stance square, weight evenly distributed, knees bent, chest again lowering, toes splayed, claws biting into the soil, tail swaying level with his aligned spinal column, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered to shoulder level, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed and ears pinned, muscles rigid but manoeuvrable. A sudden cracking of force would send his skull into an unexpected jolt upwards, the right side of her crown striking the rightward bone of his lower jaw; luckily, his snout had still been clamped shut post his last attack, and the damage would be dealt only in the form of lasting sharp pain and heavy bruising if not some hidden wound the man were unable to identify. Rapidly though, he would re-tuck his chin in a moment of desperation, ensuring the upward throw of his skull was quickly mended to avoid allowing her access to his vitals.

Barely a sharp moment later and Isardis? hips would rapidly swing to his own left, attempting to take their bodies out of alignment, however only to the point where the centre of his chest would hope to stand at a diagonal with her right shoulder blade (see ref). To his relief, the movement would shield him partially from the clasping of her jaws, however still they would manage to grasp the heavy folds of loose skin that bunched his neck; her lower jaw landing against the softer tissue of his lower right-most neck, her upper canines coming to contact with his nape just above the point of his right shoulder. Thankfully, his defences had been set, his upward rolled shoulders and scrunched throat sending folds of skin into the wake of her jaws. But still, the pain was great, and the wound large; her canines causing lacerations almost three centimetres beneath his pale skin, managing only to protect his vitals.

Adrenaline pulsed against the thrumming of his heart beat, fuelled by his anger and the vicious determination to protect his Kingdom. Lips curled upwards into a gut-wrenching snarl, a violent roar of anger sounding as a hoarse bark, intermingled with the ripping of a thunderous growl. With her scruff so willingly exposed to his wrath, his gaping jaws would attempt to propel themselves downwards and to his right. He was ambitious to present at an angle that would hopefully allow him to slide down and behind her ears, his molars wanting to grind against the flesh and muscle of the area directly behind her skull, wanting to hit at a force that would potentially cause her skull to propel downwards and encourage her to lose her grip against his neck. Simultaneously his canines wanted to sink beneath the skin of both cheeks (upper jaw striving for her left side cheek/neck, lower jaw for her right), his jawbones hoping to act as some form of adhesive pin; trying to force her skull to lose the movement of the joint where it connected to the vertebrae upon her neck; almost acting as a brace.

With the knowledge that she had sacrificed her position by crossing her right legs with her left, Isardis would take one attempted, instantaneous moment to reach out with his left forepaw and endeavour to ram down with significant weight on the forepaw closest to him (Didn?t see it mentioned that the limbs re-squared, so he would presume it were her left); wanting to use his weight to anchor it to the ground. The woman had also lifted her right forepaw, aiming to clasp around the left side of his nape; she would be successful, though he was unsure how she planned to hold at their awkward angles, he would not spare it much thought as it only increased chances of his success. Seconds later he would coil the powerful muscles within his hinds, jutting his left shoulder blade and attempting to propel himself forwards into a hopeful collision with her right centre shoulder; with her limb raised, any contact could have also been possible towards her upper right armpit, her raised right forelimb also awkwardly within the crosshairs for potential injury or strain.
His movements, regardless of success, would seem to follow with the feeling of release; her jaws seeming to slip free of contact with his right neck (if they hadn?t earlier), painfully, and possibly against her will. He wanted to try and maintain any attainted hold over the back of her neck and cheeks within his motions, his ultimate purpose to send her body staggering and declining onto her left side, hopefully restrained by the potential pressure on her left fore-toes. His skull would crane further to the right, trying to stop any leverage she would hope for with her right forelimb against the left side of his neck. Should she fall he would strive to hold her neck and skull, jaws tipping slightly upwards in preparation to support her potential weight, trying to send her body moving unnaturally sideways against the structures of her spine, craving with ravished passion to hear the fatal cracking of dislocating vertebrae or the critical twisting of her spinal cord where it failed to adjust against her possibly constricted nape.

Isardis vs. Seraphine ? Round 3 of 3!

For Glaciem and Permanent Maim ? Blinding.

Attacks:SEE: REFERENCE, for attack to neck/cheek and new position. Rump swivelled to the left, attempting to bite down over her neck directly behind her ears (wanting to do flesh/muscle damage with his molars), and reach at an angle to grasp also her cheeks. Attempt to earth her left forepaw and send a violent shove with his left shoulder blade against her right shoulder/armpit, whilst still hoping to hold her neck in his jaws. He wants to flip her onto her left side (skull craned right to try and cause her right foreleg to slip from his nape), holding her neck and skull straight and tight to try and push her body in a fashion that could twist her spine along her nape.

Defences: Stance squared, weight evenly disseminated, knees bowed, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws biting into the rocky soil, tail swayed level with an aligned spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, abdomen tight, head lowered to ally with his shoulders, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against tapered skull. Muscles tense, however supple to allow his freedom of movement.

Injuries: Worsened skin damage to right chest/upper forelimb wound, badly bruised right jawline, 3cm bite wound into the skin and flesh of his rightmost neck.

Ooc: Azzy and I agreed on lowering the rounds for judging ease.