
Out Last Night


03-23-2013, 11:21 AM

The girl seemed chilled to the bone, something Marvel could - and would - see as a positive. She would offer her name, Zarzenova. An interesting one, he had to admit. She seemed to loathe the snow, for she didn't even bother to retreat from a strange male's advances. She even came closer. What were the odds? A smile crept across his face, but he wiped it away, replacing it with a grimace. It was quite cold. She would inch even closer as she said she was exploring. Awful place to explore if you ask me love. He would advance once more, closing the gap until he was close enough to venture an attempt at bringing his chest into contact with her flesh. Sharing warmth, he would call it, but in all reality, he hungered for this girl's touch. The wind continued to swirl bits of snow all around him. Marvel offered a grunt of disapproval. I could help you out, you know.. if you want to get away from this frigid cold. Ah yes, if he helped her, he could very well as for a favor in return.. or even demand it should his lust arise to that point. This girl wanted him, anyway, he could feel it in his very bones. Marvel knew women and she was no exception. Tail would curl tightly against him, winding around his back leg like a serpent climbing a tree. Ears tucked stiffly to his cranium as he tucked it lower to shield himself from the cold. This was a miserable place, he couldn't imagine anyone wanting to stay here for long.

mine was worse :/
