
Memories and Places



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2014, 10:57 PM

As Erani worked over the wound of the black male, she paused to take up an herb, chewing slowly, letting the juices mix on her tongue, then gently slathered the mixture over the wound. Yarrow, which would help fight further infection. The males? reactions to her introduction drew a small flick of her ear, before her eyes rested on the other black male, locking with the emerald eyes with that same measuring stare she?d given the injured patient. Steady, patient, and gently scolding. To the threat the patient made, she spoke quietly. ?There is no lack of honor in having one?s wounds mended. If they are mended, you stand a chance of fighting strongly in your next battle.?

To the most polite male, the brown one, she spoke next. ?Hunt down a rabbit. We have beaver around here as well, but they have offspring that need to grow before any can be hunted, or a source of prey will die out without a parent to care for them. This one should eat something soon. The plants I gave him will keep it down.? A young female had arrived while Erani was concentrated on her ministrations to the wounded male, and the snowy Theta turned her attention to her now. ?There is a stand of comfrey a ways downriver. I would like you to gather some of the leaves. It?ll make a good poultice for the bruising around the wound.?

To the white male with the black markings, she issued her next words. ?You, hunt with your brother. Perhaps take a deer instead of a rabbit.? Lastly, she turned to the black male. ?You will go with them. The better chance there is to bring down a good meal, the more chance that all of you will eat well this evening.? All of the orders given, were spoken in a calm, firm manner, that brooked no protest, and should any protest be given, she merely looked at the protestant wolf. Once things were underway, she turned to the plants she hadn?t set in front of the patient to be consumed. Marigold would go into the comfrey poultice to add a binding stickiness that would hold the poultice to the wound, and she would need to apply cobwebs overall to ensure the poultice remained stable.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think