
New Life [joining]

Gargoyle I


03-23-2013, 11:48 AM


"Well that's generous of you," came a distinct though emotionless rumble. From over the white hills came a dark form of mottled grey-black hues. The slight distance, at first, masked the size of the figure. But as the Alpha of Glaciem continued striding forward, the immensities of his bearing was made plain. Cifer, his Lead Warrior stood 36 inches - as large as most any wolf could hope to grow. But Gargoyle stood a whole head above him. 41 inches, backed by massive shoulders, a broad chest and piercing yellow eyes was enough to unnerve a lot of wolves. But Gargoyle didn't make it his business to do so. He wasn't here to be intimidating - Cifer could handle than on his own if he wished. Gargoyle was here because there was a possibility of him gaining a new family member.

As he looked the blue eyed male over, Gargoyle continued his words where he'd left off. "However, 'protection' when there is a 'need', is merely the tip of the iceberg where a pack wolf's duties are concerned. In Glaciem we place a high value on the strength of the individual, but a greater value on the strength of our pack as a whole; We treat each other as friends, we sleep all in the same cave, we share duties. We are bound together as much as if we were family - which many of us are." Here Gargoyle glanced at the green eyed warrior beside him. Though he could only guess at the extent, Gargoyle knew something was going on between his sister and the Lead Warrior. To be honest it was a turn which pleased him very much, but he wouldn't be saying a word about it until Cifer saw fit to speak with him on the matter.

For now that was a closed book. The matter at hand was this stranger. "In Glaciem, daily life is filled with it's share of challenges, and as a pack we've come through apocalypses. Please, tell us about yourself, stranger, and tell us why you think you'd be able to keep up."

[Image: gargie_header_base_by_kidrylm_writer-d5yze1o.png]