
Got Time For This?


03-23-2013, 11:52 AM

Voice rang out, commanding and clear. Ears would perk immediately and a sly grin would taint his face. She liked it rough, eh? He could roll that way. She would bark a command. Impatient are we? A bassy rumble bubbled up from his trachea as he slithered closer, resting his head on her rump and breathing in seductively. Removing his chin from her skin, Marvel pivoted to her right side and forward until his muzzle was aligned with her ear. Beg. Commanding notes slipped out. He wanted her to beg for him, to plead for it. Marvel had a power here, and he would enforce that power as much as he could. A twinkle dazzled in his sterling eyes as he waited to hear her plea. If it was good enough he would let her have it, and if not he might tease her just a bit more. In the mean time, the man's fangs snaked to the left, toward her frame. Nibbling brusquely, the man would center his attention on her shoulder blades, biting a bit harder than he might normally - because he knew she wanted it that way. Marvel was a ladies man, and he'd learned long ago to oblige them when he could. He would continue to give her love bites - minus the love - as he awaited her breathy pleading tones.
