
Baby take me high

Twig I


02-16-2014, 05:00 PM

She didn't believe that someone's smile could so easily force her to melt. The cold anti social ice queen's frozen heart would begin to thaw under the sun-hewn gaze of Themisto. She felt something within her chest that had never been there before. A warming deep within her core, a sensation she never could have predicted. Her amethyst orbs would lay delicately upon his form as he brushed off the trip up with a warm chuckle. The delicate skin upon her face would warm and redden as her stomach flip flopped within her. She was thankful he now would be paying more attention to his feet and where they were going than her marked features. His words would travel back to her, and she would curiously take them in. If there were peaches here they would be rather hard to find or nonexistent, but what else did she crave? It was odd to say that it was his touch, she didn't feel hunger or the need for rest. Something inside her wished to be closer to him though. Ashley Black was loyal to the legion and nothing else, why was it then that she so wanted to be next to this man. So mysterious and joyful he was, he brought out a part of her she never expected to even be there.?"Maybe a place to rest?" she would make a suggestive question as she tried to figure a way for them to sit together,?"I've been traveling for a while, maybe a nice stream to quench our thirst..." really she would have followed the tailless wolf wherever it was he would decide to go, there were still to many unanswered questions.?
