


02-16-2014, 05:49 PM

With precision, her right shoulder blade would connect upon its target, and the force of the phantom?s weight against the Valhallan sovereign?s left side would prove successful in its endeavor of knocking the russet-kissed woman off-balance. However, because her adversary would fall at a rate that would exceed that at which Artemis? gaping jaws would travel at, the prodigy?s gluttonous incisors would fall short of their ideal destination of Chrysanthe?s spine, and would instead ensnare the flesh and muscle just beneath the spinal column upon the queen?s left side. Although it was a petty consolation for splintering the spine of her adversary, the babe would be delighted?surprised?to feel the woman?s body go limp with submission beneath her, and she would relinquish whatever grasp she had obtained upon her opponent with an ounce of reluctance as she removed herself from Chrysanthe?s close proximity. With solidified defenses, Artemis would allow her mismatched gaze to flicker from the defeated woman and unto the crowd that had gathered to observe the battle, primarily focusing upon the Valhallans that had shown in support of their queen, scrutinizing each and every one for traces of discontent.

?I gift you with your release,? the newly-appointed Tyrant addressed the former Valhallans, tones entirely vague even as the overwhelming sensation of supremacy consumed her injured body. ?You may all leave at your own will, save for Azalea?s children, who will be given to Glaciem?? briefly, her gaze shifted towards the battle between the albino king and the disabled brat, regarding it for the first time now as she regained her grip on reality now that her bloodlust had been partially sated. ??Should Isardis reign victorious over the girl.? The faint trace of a smirk enveloped her crimson-stained countenance as her pupils devoured the ongoing clash, confidence unwavering in her former king?s abilities. Amused, the tyrant would saunter towards the former Valhallans as she removed her gaze from the remaining match, amethyst and silver eyes darting between each unfamiliar face in a fruitless attempt to pinpoint the mother to Isardis? children. ?And who is the lucky mother?? ?And will you be so wise to make this an easy task?