
Keeping Secrets

Twig I


02-16-2014, 06:24 PM

It was quite early in the morning, but Twig found she could not force herself back to sleep. Her mind was still firmly on him, she had only returned the night before. Having been confronted by Pulsus on the way back she had found a place to reluctantly wash his addicting scent from her luxurious fur. It had almost pained her to lose that slim connection she had to him, as she had returned to their campsite she would not find the courage to talk to any of her waiting family. Instead she had quickly found a place to recline and was swallowed by sleep.

It was such and odd transformation, one she was not all together pleased about. Her focus had been interrupted, and almost completely snuffed out by the joyous one. She could still feel his warm golden gaze upon her as she awoke to find herself within the confines of the earliest of mornings. Finding it impossible to return to a slumbering state she would rise. The others looked to still be sleeping, to quietly she would return to the orchard. The place she has first seen Themisto. It was unclear if she pursued the location because she hoped to find him there again, or if her paws just so happened to carry her again to that place. All she would find would be their stale scents, but his memory was certainly fresh in her memories. She could feel her skin grow warm at the thoughts of the past days events. A sigh would permeate the early morning air as the likelihood of seeing him so soon and in the same place was slim. She would be enjoying the orchard's beauty alone... Or at least that was what she had first thought.
