
Little Longings


02-16-2014, 09:46 PM

Since having discovered and confirmed that Twig, Angel, Divinity and Jinxx were all indeed his siblings, the Black man had found himself unable to separate himself from them for extended periods of time. Part of him felt that if he left them alone for too long, they would suddenly disappear and he would be left without a family once again. But obviously, that wasn't the case. They all seemed to have welcomed him into the family so easily, it was like he had been part of it his entire life. It was a relief and a weight lifted off his shoulders that he finally knew who was his family, but it was even more satisfying to know that he really did have a family. A family that actually wanted him as much he wanted them. Of all his siblings that he'd met so far, he felt a particular connection with his younger sister Twig. Not only because she had been the first one he'd met arriving here in Alacritis, but because of her spitfire nature. She hadn't been afraid to get in his face and demand answers from him all for the sake of keeping her sister out of harms way. And he admired that about his younger sister, which was why he stuck to Twig in particular.

As of late, he had begun to notice her that her choice of company had switched from their sister Angel to some unknown man. A feeling of protectiveness the titan didn't know he could feel had settled over him in regards to his sister and it took much self control to leave Twig to her own devices. She was old enough to have relationships, but that didn't mean that Pulsus had to necessarily agree with it. He had been doing good with keeping himself away from his sister during her times with this man, not wanting to appear like an overbearing older brother. He'd been keeping his distance that day, making sure to be undetected but still close enough that if she were to need help he would be only a bark away. He wasn't sure if this was how older brothers were suppsoed to act, but he didn't care too much. He was trying to keep his family safe the only way that made sense to him and if that wasn't how things were supposed to be done, then his siblings had to explain to him how to do it properly.

With silent paws the Wraith would track his sister down to a pool in the middle of a forest of ivory barked trees. Bi-colored gaze would remain trained to her familiar slate and alabaster figure, watching her quietly as she took a drink from the pool before reclining onto her haunches. He would move in her direction quietly, face blank, body neutral, wondering what the look on her face was for. Was it possible that she held affection towards the man that she had been spending time with?

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