
Keeping Secrets


02-16-2014, 09:49 PM

It seemed she couldn't keep her presence unnoticed from her sister. Her scent had her sister turn and look to her. Silently she stood there waiting till Twig invited her over to watch the sunrise. Head lifted to look up at the sky. It would seem that they were in time for the sunrise. But wouldn't the trees block the view? Mentally she shrugged and trotted over to Twig. Sure but why here? I got worried when you left so I followed. She said softly. Why had Twig really come here? Was it simply she just wanted to wonder around because she had been awake? Angel knew that feeling.

She looked around them, nose sniffing at all the tantalizing scent the orchard held. It made her mouth water, to want and taste the fruits, to smell all the flowers. It was a magical place in her eyes. It was warm and live here, to bright. It was like life giving her a place to see that not everywhere was dark and scary. But life also had a way of changing good things to bad in a heartbeat. She turned to Twig, her spirits slightly dampened but wouldn't show it. Could she tell Twig what was on her mind? What was bothering her? She wasn't sure she could. She didn't want anyone to worry.

I can talk!