
Along the Shoreline



5 Years
02-16-2014, 09:59 PM

Raisa trembled. A heat kindled in the pit of her stomach and seemed to blossom and bloom from there. It filled her limbs and chest cavity, filled her mind with a sort of distant high. Her heartbeat thrummed in her ears, roaring with something she was just starting to grasp. Desire, a voice whispered to her. Lust... Virgil's voice, murmured, was kerosene to the flames of the Queen's uncertainty. She drew in a deep, shuddering breath, and allowed her eyes to drift closed. Her senses were on fire, and if she let herself feast on the fae's figure for a moment longer, she would certainly loose control. She would do something foolish... This is the farthest thing from folly, her mind's voice argued. Oh, how she yearned for the touch of the golden goddess. Her equal. Her friend. I want more, she realized. It was Virgil's murmur, sensual in it's near inaudibility, and intimate, that sent her tumbling over the edge of sanity. The fae lingered yet, close to Raisa's body, though the Queen could not see her. She felt the warmth drifting off of her body, basked in her scent, it was all exquisite. Raisa needed more, something, anything. With a quiet gasp, the royal's eyes flew open, and she pushed her head forward, closing the gap. The ebony fae pressed her cheek flush against the other Virgil's neck and trembled in a torturous sort of relief. It was practically nothing, and absolutely everything, all at once.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!