
Keeping Secrets

Twig I


02-16-2014, 10:26 PM (This post was last modified: 02-16-2014, 10:26 PM by Twig I.)

Twig's young sister would remain silent as she made her way to where Twig sat, she knew already that she had to be at least slightly suspicious. It seemed as she slowed to a stop and her lyrics let loose that she already questioned her chosen sun gazing spot. It was true that an orchard might seem the oddity of places to watch, but she still had an excuse up her sleeve. The deer would be thick in the wood as the young deer started to explore the world on their own. She would just smile invitingly as she tried to shrug off the question,?"It's just pretty here, and there's lots of tasty things to eat." And sometimes captivating tailless healers stop in. Though surely her heart would have stopped had Themisto found his way to her now. She didn't know what she would do if she had to explain his sudden presence to her sister. What could she say? Would she even be able to tell her about the man now, without him in her presence? Twig would hope she wouldn't have to explain the stake scent of she and another wolf to her curious sister. Wasn't Pulsus knowing enough? She would ignore the topic unless Angel made note of it, until then she would try and think of an excuse. Her smile would remain as she did her best to keep her nerves invisible. It hurt her to have to be so secretive with her sister, she wanted to tell her all about him, but something inside her kept her from forming the words.?"We can go taste some fruits later if you'd like." she would offer, hoping the girl would stay distracted by the heady scent of fruit.?
