
Heaven knows I tried


02-16-2014, 10:40 PM
My soul is spiraling in frozen

Elsa Winterfell

fractals all around

Shoot straight, the queen is watching.

The words of the queen were of comfort and anxiety to the Sola who was desperately trying to prove herself. She was nervous that she had majorly screwed something up but deep down she knew that she hadn't. The reason Elsa had taken to searching the shadows was some of the plants had survived the blistering heat. "Not to bad... if you know where to look. Any plant can survive the elements if only placed in the right area." She said with a smile as she looked along the roots to find a so very small bush with the purple berries and light olive thistles. "This is a juniper plant. While for the mean time I am collecting berries, the entire plant could be used in one way or another." She explained to the queen who seemed eager for knowledge.

She picked the plant carefully and headed back to the herbal stores. She had collected many plants, though many of them barely fit for use. The late spring was almost as dreadful as winter. Some would see the tasks she performed as tedious but she loved them. It kept her busy and wiped away her worries. She was free from all burdens.