


02-22-2014, 04:55 PM




Head would make contact with its target, and even if she wanted it to hurt him more, she would feel a decent amount of pain from the connection as well, heavy bruising and some swelling sure to to form. And to her surprise, she would be lucky enough to land her next attack on his lower neck. When she had lunged down to grasp his neck, her own head had pulled back upon meeting flesh, jaws clamping down, not only to pull and cause some bit of damage but to scrunch up the skin on her own with shoulders rolling forward to bring more folds. Legs would bend as she held her ground, toes gripping the earth, body tense. An ear twitched at the man's snarl, and with how her head was rotated she would have enough time to react to his attack coming towards her face again. Was he jealous of her good looks? Had she enough time the girl would have laughed at the silly joke, but she had to react to his moves.

Upon his head coming down, jaws hungry to grab hold of her, she would increase the pressure of the bite she had on him and push forward once again. Eyes would close for a brief second, a snarl erupting from her throat, muffled by the flesh she had hold of as his fangs sank into the flesh behind her skull, just behind her cheeks. With the force he tried to use on her, his teeth would sink into the folds of skin about 3 centimeters, scratching muscle, enough to be sore a few days. She was determined to keep her hold on him however, and though the force with his bite hurt and pushed her head down a bit, she still held onto his neck tightly, his attack only causing her jaws to pull at it.

She'd smirk at another attempt to use a foreleg against one of her own, a fetish for them perhaps? But when she had side stepped she had replanted her paws on the ground, he tried stomping down on the closest paw to the left he was reaching out with, which happened to be her right one. (only paw closest to his left would be the right which was successful in hooking his neck as you said, so... I tried working with this) Paw would quickly slide back, his coming into contact with her middle toes, bruising sure to come. But she would be able to slide them out from under him to hook around his nape, the other three legs remaining on the ground, evenly spread and paws digging into the ground. Before she knew it the man was throwing himself towards her, his left shoulder blade coming into contact with the center of her right shoulder and into her armpit, pain sparking that would cause bruising. With her right limb raised and hooked around his nape she would get most of the contact to her shoulder, but with her ligaments straining with his shove it would cause soreness from being stretched.

Her jaws would finally give up their hold on his neck with the shove, causing a bit of discomfort with her jaws, a bit of soreness. Right foreleg would remove itself from the man's nape and plant itself on the ground to get her weight back onto all four when she felt it shifting to her left side form his shove. Back hips would swing right, his craning skull bringing her head towards his right shoulder, but her front limbs would tense up and push her body back to the right. This was a fight for his pack, not death! She would not allow him to damage her spine in such a manner, what else should she have expected from the coward.

Lips would pull back, jaws ajar with a snarl ripping the air around her like cloth. She didn't care about his hold on her neck, right behind her head, she wanted to get this silly game of his over with. Back legs would bend, the front half of her body lowering the slightest she could with his hold still on her. Front limbs would slide forward about two inches while her body pulled back, left fore and hind legs moving outward since she was almost perpendicular to the man with her hip swing, she would keep her shoulders forward however to keep the skin folds, for if he attempted to tighten his grip on her he would only get more skin. Suddenly back limbs would extend, using as much force as possible with their close proximity to push her body right and forward to try and push him back, right shoulder being thrown forward in an attempt to knock into his left. She hoped it would take the breath outta him, or at least make his chest sore where hers would hopefully make contact. She was willing to risk damage to her neck for this move, the force she hoped would cause the man to move back to prevent his neck from being damaged by the force and to keep his precious little hold on her or to let go for another sneaky attack. Right and forward she would go, limbs pushing her body towards him, paws planting themselves firmly on the ground, evenly apart before shoving forward again.

Head would be pushed forward with her push, jaws parting widely. With the skin folds in the man's jaws she would have a bit more movement that he would have probably expected, though she couldn't be sure. Neck would stretch, jaws swinging to the right in an attempt to land a vicious bite on the man's upper right foreleg once again, top jaw on the outside and lower jaw on the inside of his limb. With her previous bite that missed her target and slide upwards, she hoped it would be sore and cause more pain with another attack to the same spot. This time however, she would try not to release if it appeared she was winning, apply as much pressure as possible to break the bone, then twist her head left and right to tear at the flesh to amputate him. (wasn't sure if we stick the attack for the maim in our last round or not) He wouldn't leave this fight without something to remember her by, even if she lost.

ref of her positioning; link