
Rare Meal


02-16-2014, 10:58 PM
Alphonso laughed hearty as Raisa joined them and saw him. "Ah, I even put Queens off their game! I feel that jackal would be proud!" He said as his laughter came to an end. Looking at the two of them it was clear enough they wanted to catch up so he moved from his place to a softer patch of grass and nodded to Isabella letting her know he would re-join the conversation if he was needed. Relaxing for the moment, he closed his eyes.

Isabella watched him a moment before turning to Raisa with a nod of greeting and a very brief but visible wag of her tail simply for familiarity's sake. Lifting her head she responded. "I am glad you remember, and it is nice to see you again as well. Very well thank you, I have gotten to know these lands from oceans of ice to oceans of sand where I met Alphonso here. When he is not so full of himself he is tolerable. A gecko who spoke wolf and has a thirst for knowledge, it was hard to refuse him as a traveling companion."

Her head tilted sideways a bit indicating at the gecko before turning back to Rasia. "He can even help with enticing birds to drop from the sky." She said indicating to the hawk behind her. "What of yourself? Have things been well for you?" Raisa was a wolf she liked, perhaps not as a friend but enough to talk to again. Though her voice was empty her eyes were soft and welcoming as she looked at female waiting for her response.