
Wolves of Ebony



5 Years
02-17-2014, 02:11 PM

The Wolves of Old Ebony

Many of you are familiar with my lovely girl, Raisa, the exiled Queen of the old Ebony throne. When Raisa was only a year old, her parents were slain in a coup, and it was assumed that the rest of her family's supporters were as well. When Raisa was able to return to her homeland, she found that the remnants of Old Ebony had turned against the Xanilov line, having been filled to the brim with lies and deceit. Recently she has rebuilt her family's legacy in Alacritis, and has formed a new Ebony. But perhaps her supporters live on? Perhaps those turned against the Xanilov line have come to their senses? Or perhaps the usurpers have come out of hiding to end the Xanilov line once and for all? It's up to you!Basically, I'm asking if anyone would like to perpetuate a story line. Perhaps you would like to join Ebony, perhaps not! Either is fine, no pressure. Either way, the plotting between the New and Old Ebony wolves would be INTENSE <3

SO! What do you need to do? Pick a vantage point!

THE SUPPORTERs: If you would like to play a supporter of Raisa's line, this is the option for you. These will be wolves supposedly taken out in the coup, and therefore, logically, there will be fewer of these than the the Reformed or the Brainwashed. They could be wolves of any age, from wise elders to pups spirited away by their parents in the nick of time. They will not have had an easy time getting away from Old Ebony and surviving, and will likely bear scars. The rankings of these wolves will be the same as those of the New Ebony, and I would be willing to accept any sort, from High Lords down to Jesters. If you would like to make a character that was formerly a master (I will only accept two of these, maximum) if they choose to enter Ebony they will have to prove themselves to Raisa once more. Beyond that, any ranks they held previously, they will be able to enter New Ebony and maintain. Also, if you would like to make a High Lord or Lady, it would be cool if they had a fox steward, as Koros is to Raisa. Not necessary, but hey!

THE REFORMED: These will be wolves once turned against the Xanilov line, but have come to their senses. These wolves will not be granted the same graces as supporters, and will likely have to prove themselves to Raisa once more. These may be wolves of any age group, from pup challenging the authority of their elders to adults with guilty conscious. If these wolves choose to enter Ebony, their previously held ranks will be kept in mind, but Raisa's memories of the characters will heavily influence her her choices.

THE BRAINWASHED: These are wolves with a vendetta against the Xanilov line. They had left the Old Ebony with a grudge against the Xanilov line, and are coming to hunt Raisa down and do her harm. Likely to be more darkly aligned, unlikely to join Ebony as Raisa will have known the families who moved against the Xanilovs. Expect conflict if this is the path you choose!

If you would like a wolf of Old Ebony, respond with the code below!

Name: Russian, Irish, or Nordic names will be most appropriate, but anything goes!
Age: Approximate
Type: Supporter, Reformed, or Brainwashed
Ranking: In Old Ebony
How Do They Know Raisa: Brief to Extensive outline, your choice
Plans For Them: Just a loose outline
Appearance: A picture is fine, or words, no word count!
Personality: Same, no word count necessary!
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
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