
The wind whispered


02-17-2014, 02:13 PM
OOC| Sorry again for the delay. It's been one of those weeks... x_x I'm not promising much from this post...

Novella's smile was a comfort, if nothing else, and in spite of her own insecurities Gwyn found herself easily returning it as they proceeded once more. This time Gwyn followed her new friend, ears perked and eyes full of interest. But their focus did not stay on their current goal much longer. Gwyndolyn saw the stranger when Novella did. Her step faltered a moment as Novella's course altered, taking her toward the new wolf. Gwyndolyn followed her once she had recovered herself sufficiently but kept herself a little behind Novella, allowing the other woman to arrive first.

Gwyn suspected as they drew nearer that Novella knew the other wolf... and they looked rather similar at a distance. When the stranger spoke and Gwyndolyn glimpsed the colors of her eyes, Gwyndolyn knew Novella was familiar with this wolf. They had to be related - they were much too similar not to be. Remaining silent, she allowed the two women to speak - she merely inclined her head in a quick, polite greeting when the woman called Song spoke to her. Novella introduced Gwyndolyn, then spoke the words that made it fact: "Song is my sister."

Gwyn's eyes flicked between the two women one last time, then she smiled gently, "I see the resemblance," she tilted her head before continuing, "It is good to meet you Song."

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.