
Bleeding out for you



8 Years
02-17-2014, 03:07 PM

Though her shoulder strike did not hit her intended mark thanks to the dark wolf's nimbleness, its impact against his side still drew a grunt from her throat. Her teeth did hit their mark, the canines drawing furrows, but the damage she had hoped to do was thrown off by the impact of a heavy paw against her right hip, the strike leaving stinging welts beneath her thin fur but doing little in the way of actual damage. The real danger was in the misstep, the stumble as she fought to keep her balance. Continuing to twist and circle with her opponent, she succeeded in regaining her lost footing but a sacrifice was made as she felt his teeth meet in the thinner muscle over her ribs, deep enough that a canine scratched against a rib.

Ignoring the pain, still spinning along with him like a dog chasing it's tail to avoid allowing him to shove at her, she gathered her weight over her legs as evenly as she could and sprang forward into their spin, twisting as she did to give herself a bit more room as she tried to rear up, her chest to his right shoulder against the taller wolf's side. The sudden deviation in speed pulls her away from his jaws, but the price of freedom is the tearing of flesh where he had pierced her skin. Her left paw snaked forward as she leaped, in the intention of hooking over his back at his shoulders, her right paw crooking to go under his throat so that they would meet at his left shoulder like a hug. Even as she was doing this, her jaws drove toward the base of his skull, not to sever the spinal cord there but instead with the intention of holding a tight grip on his head and neck.

It would affect her balance, not to have all four legs solidly planted, but if she succeeded in gripping him he could drag her around all he wanted and she wouldn't care. She spread the toes on her hind paws, each claw gripping the earth to propel her with greater speed should she need to sidestep with him, her tail tucked firmly down to protect it from vengeful jaws. Her pelt continues to bristle, still serving to confuse her size. A snarl rips from her chest, a demand for submission.


Fight Stats

Round: 2 of 2

Injuries: three-inch lacerations over her her right ribcage where his teeth met and tore through, one all the way down to the bone, the other slightly more shallow

Out Of Character Notes: now she and hinge matchy-match. c: