
Hestia Sovari



2 Years
02-17-2014, 05:29 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Croatoan
How did you get here?: Been here for a while
Age: 16

Character's Name: Hestia Sovari
Age: Pup {Unborn}
Season of Birth: Autumn
Adult Height: 36 Inches
Appearance Description: The most plain beauty of all the pups, in my opinion, but you may not think the same of this pup. Because of her mother, Hestia will try to get her mother's attention and love by going out, hunting, and even fighting some pups her age. This will make her have a lot of scars covering her beautiful body, but covered by fur. Hestia will be a skinny little pup, because she will never have much of an appetite. But enough of that, on to her fur color, muscles, and eye color. Hestia looks like a weak little thing, but her fur covers a lot of muscles. Dark, eclipse gray fur covers most of her body, as if she has been dipped in it, and it has never came off. White fur will go on the tip of her tail, and on her front paws, like stars in a night filled with clouds. But those beautiful colors will be nothing compared to her eyes, the most stunning feature of her entire appearance, is what she will call them as she gets older. Hestia's eyes are blue, deep blue, almost as blue as the ocean, if not that color. As Hestia gets older, she will be less craving for her mother's attention and more for the love of Lust. But this will not make her do as things as foolish as she did as a pup, and she will not have as many bad scars, even though her job will put her in danger. Sure, maybe one or two, most like two; one on her snout, and one over her eye, that never went away. Hestia will still be a skinny wolf; that will never, ever change, but the rest of her looks will, mostly. Hestia will be taller, much taller, making her large. The smaller version of large, but yes, large. Hestia's stunning fur will get her some males if she knows how to make them smile and come to her, but most likely she won't. The main reason they will come to her is those eyes of hers, not even changed all that much. But even those have changed, being more captivating.