
My dear sister


02-17-2014, 07:12 PM

She most certainly remembered him. An ear flickered with interest as rustling caught her attention. It was seasonably warm in the sound, and the occasional drip drip drip of ice melting was the only sound she'd paid attention to for some time. That is, until this other one resounded. The walls of the sound made it echo, almost as if it were calling to her. Curiously she would drift toward it, mystified. His figure loomed a ways ahead of her, standing out in stark contrast just as she did. ?Can it be?? she mused, having long since believed him dead or gone. ?I swear, it's like we have an Armada magnet laying around somewhere. Where have you been, my blue?? Isardis' fanciful tongue was certainly wearing off on her, though she wouldn't admit how much she enjoyed using artful collections of words to express her thoughts. An ear twitched idly, realizing that minus their father and mother, the entire family was together again. Oh, what help another sibling could be in the life that was Glaciem. Muzzle would stretch forth, extending to reach as far as the tip of his nose, if he'd allow it - curious as to how much affection he still held within his bosom for his family.
