


02-17-2014, 07:33 PM
ooc: edit allowed by muse.

As Six charged the golden bitch did too. The ebony darling messed up and missed her charge. Her jaws managed to hit the other girls neck swiftly, taking quite a chunk from her neck. The slightly larger woman had raised herself but her paw missed. As she came back down her chest was slammed into a pointed shoulder, which caused her to wince slightly. The wound would result in bruising later. Six managed to re-evaluate the situation, her knees bent and her claws dug into the earth. To gain a better position the woman would try to position herself slightly facing the golden goddess. To do so she would pivot slightly. This would cause Six to be facing Virgil more but they would be at an L angle nontheless. Virgil wasted no time, bringing her two front paws up to wrap around Six's upper body. The move was known to the girl and she would attempt to counter it by raising up her two front legs to intertwine with the golden lady's legs. Her hind legs were bent and her paws dug into the earth. This may result in a dance like position for them both. Virgil aimed low, her jaws snapped at the bottom of Six's throat. The girl quickly tucked in her head and the golden bitches jaws managed to get lumps of scruffs at the base of Six's neck. The bite would hurt but it was not vital. Six was pushed down slightly by Virgil's right paw but not enough to shake her balance to much. The ebony girl would attempt to lean in and tilted her head, she would try to snap her jaws at the left of Virgil's throat where she had bit before to cause more damage to the area. The flesh wound could be vital in the sense of blood loss and pain, but it would not be fatal. As she did so her shoulders were squared, her ears pinned, her eyes slit, her core tight for balance, and her tail tucked. Six would also attempt to flex her front paws to poke her claws at Virgil's back, the claws werent the best tool for pain but she they could help in balance. Six would try anything at that point.

Six v Virgil

for Amenti


Defenses: her knees bent and her claws dug into the earth. her shoulders were squared, her ears pinned, her eyes slit, her core tight for balance, and her tail tucked. paws flexed and claws may or may not be dug into virgil's back.

Attack: The move was known to the girl and she would attempt to counter it by raising up her two front legs to intertwine with the golden lady's legs. This may result in a dance like position for them both. The ebony girl would attempt to lean in and tilted her head, she would try to snap her jaws at the left of Virgil's throat where she had bit before to cause more damage to the area. Six would also attempt to flex her front paws to poke her claws at Virgil's back, the claws werent the best tool for pain but she they could help in balance.

Injuries: bruising to the left bit of her chest. bite wound to her lower neck, scruff.
