


02-18-2014, 12:21 AM

He had witnessed her defeat of the Vahallan empress, and pride burned in his gut. He would give her time to stake her claims, before he would approach her borders, his demeanor inquisitive and nearly needing to seek her presence. His body quivered at the thought of her, the little wraith had claimed herself a crown. It was an impressive feat for the yearling, and perhaps it was even more impressive that the ivory sorceress had impressed even him. It would seem that the dame had chosen the forest where her mother had whelped the last litter, his litter. It was an intriguing choice and he wondered her motives. Was it an affinity for the landscape or a deeper meaning, a tribute to the dead queen? His pallid form would come to a halt, at the borders of the forest, wondering if he dared trapeze over them? To offend the great new empress, or not? As he mulled it over, his tail would dust the ground behind him, flicking impatiently.

Deciding it best to gauge the protectiveness of his obsession over her land, he would sit. His haunches reclining easily to the ground, the warm air helping the slight arthritis that was building in his hips. A loose baritone howl would leave his jaws, a summons for the ruler the champion of this newly claimed land. Had she claimed the same den her mother had once dominated? What had become of his children? Had they already fled to the side of their ruling sister, seeking an obnoxious form of power? He would fall silent, his expression curious as he waited for her arrival. He wouldn't sit for more than moments, moving to his paws and pacing the border, his tail ticking at his back like a banner. When would the grand queen, Artemis make her appearance or would he have to seek her himself.
