
Animal [Open]


03-28-2013, 08:57 PM
He could here the sound of the fluffyness of her tail wagging in happiness as well and was happy that she was happy as well and he found interest of her definition of beauty -Thats very interesting i like your viewe on beauty because that is true you one can seek or find beauty in anything there hearts desire- what roman found more interesting is the fact that she wanted to learn how he can travel without sight and only be hearing and smell but it was more than that he travels by more than normal senses even though they maybe heightend and he though how could he teacher when he himself didn't know how to be a tutor or mentor in anyway? -well see i don't just rely on sound amd smell it's more than that i can sense the earth and environment around me by simply walking like vibrations i listen to the earth and "see" where i am going and "see" where everything is in a way-
he eloborated on that and there was certian ways to also sense others around by energy or the feel in the air such as aura you could say-but see i also sense the energy around the environment as well and can sense the danger or other things around me- though he still felt sad that he didn't know how to mentor her in he way he is or his art -sadly i am sorry id like to teach you but i don't know how to teach i apologize although if youd like or want you can study me and then we'll see where we can take it from there? sound good- as he asked champion in a happy tone as the two kept strolling around to where ever seeing where there journey would take them.