
I'll Find You


03-23-2013, 05:12 PM

It was day one of the Glaciem wolves' visit. The King did not distrust them, but he worried about his subjects, and what their reaction to all of this would be. A pack meeting would have been a good idea, just to get everyone on the same page, but at the same time he was holding off until he had some real information of value - an alliance - to announce before he went off summoning the masses. A faint simper crossed his lips as he made his way through his territory, skirting the borders on this early morning run. Life had been good here so far, but the King wondered what would become of that. Would something come and shake up his whole world, or was he just being pessimistic? He shook his head, slowing to a comfortable trot. He would slow again to a leisurely walk, head descending to the earth to allow his muzzle a better vantage for scenting any oddities that might be lingering about on the edge of Seracia.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, as powerful muscles would carry him forward in an elegant stride. The man was something to see, if anyone had been watching at that particular time - but as it were, they were not. Crown would spring up as a rustling caught his attention. Thinking it was probably prey, the King tensed in an instant, hackles raising as he prepared to crouch in a stalking position. However, the faint scent of canine drifted his way, and he returned from his almost-crouch, rising to his full height and then some as his tail flagged upward in a sign of dominance. "Who goes there?" powerful notes would ring, commanding the stranger forth to be looked over by the King. Gerhardt wasn't a fan of strange wolves lingering so near to his Kingdom, but perhaps this one had good intentions and meant to join. Only time would tell.
