


02-18-2014, 04:59 PM
OOC: No problem :)

Judging by his reaction he didn't care much for the sound either. That was good, it meant that wolves indeed would move away from it. "Hum, maybe it could be used as a battle-cry." She thought for herself as something to remember if ever the needed arose. Watching him adjust his ears she nodded before speaking. "Yes, well at least for the most part. What he has told me are mating calls are a little nicer on the ears, still only something that wold get the admiration of a gecko though. And the gecko I know, he makes soft little chuffing sounds now and again, and something akin to a hiss."

Though she had not heard any geckos in conversations sometimes Alphonso spoke to her complete in gecko. "It is hard to follow, even if one knows the language. Things tend to run together and can be easily mixed up. Sometimes I only understand about half of it but he is still proud of me." It was clear she was fond of her friend and it was nice to have someone who had faith and pride in her skills, someone to say she was doing things right.

For a moment her eyes softened and her lips moved in a soft smile. Realizing the mistake she resumed her neutral expression as best she could. "Well, it is fun to learn anyway, if a bit odd. I find it respectful though to talk to someone in their native tongue and if I know it then I can. Speaking of, if you would like me to use a title for you in your language simply let me know." Though kindness was not always high on her list of priorities respect always was.