
Sweet punishment


02-18-2014, 05:59 PM

He would accept her anger without protest, he would allow her fangs to puncture his flesh without so much as a flinch. His words would be spoken through clenched jaws, his irritation obvious. They had been together long enough that she would tolerate his emotions. She would release him, but not before giving him a scar. He would not budge, he would reaming tall and strong, refusing to bow before her. Part of her admired him, he had come so far from the uncontrollable boy he was when she first met him.

"You have come far since we first met. But what about your plans for Jupiter? Have you decided you want something else?" She would step away from him, her gazing never leaving him. Slowly her posture would relax, her aggression slipping away, though it still shone in her eyes.

"Power is what you seek, no?" Slowly she began to process what the future could hold for them. He clearly had developed a taste for power, for control, she didn't see him as the type for follow another's command unless he benefitted from it somewhere. There was no doubt about it. He was willing to take the risk to see what would become of it. "Then let us take it. But not here." She would let the information sink in. Would he be willing to branch out and create a pack of his own? Of their own?

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