



6 Years
02-18-2014, 08:41 PM

Azalea felt worthless, like she was hardly worthy of being called an Adravendi. She had done nothing, standing by as that white wench, Artemis, took the throne and thus her home. Their home.

Azalea didn't stay to see what all would become of the the challenge upon Isardis, that really didn't matter at that specific moment. Her heart squeezed tight with loss and confusion she could only think of getting her sons out before Artemis could show up and do something to them. Not a word was even whispered to Sarak as she had turned tail and exited that train wreck of a nightmare.

Throwing her body into the water that separated her from her babes was a frantic act, half wading and half paddling madly to get to the other side. As she came to stand on Valhalla's shore she threw up her nose, howling long and loud. There was no excuse if they didn't listen to her.

Azalea was picking through the dense foliage when she heard Erani, calling to the wolves of the pack to gather. Azalea hadn't reached the boys yet. Old enough to wander where ever they were increasingly hard to find and yet not skilled enough to find their way around in a timely fashion. With a sigh Azalea turned back, going to meet the others on the shore.

She stood at the back, incapable of sitting down at a time like this, when her world was crashing down around her. Amber eyes were locked on Erani while internally she hoped, as she always did, that Sarak would notice her and sit by her. It was a silly thing to hope right now and as they were officially a part of each others lives it wasn't like he was going to just ignore her.