
Thunder Cloud


02-18-2014, 10:10 PM

The male watched her with a malicious stare, growling out a retort with clipped speech and an overall grumpy demeanor. She raised a paw, holding it up to signal the she meant no harm to him, and took a step backwards to allow him more space. He glared at the vines, and occasionally his gaze would flick irritatedly up to her face as if she were doing something wrong by existing. He glanced up at her, exasperated, and groaned out an admition that he did indeed require her help in his escape. She chuckled, smiling sweetly at him as she slowly stepped forward, still wary that he might attempt to harm her. "I wasn't nagging, but I couldn't just leave you here because you're too stubborn to accept help from a lady." She softly told him, her soft smile toying at her doll like features sweetly as she came closer to him.
Her tiny frame allowed her to get closer to some of the vines tangled about his underside, and she gently gripped them with her teeth, biting down until they snapped audibly. Within a few moments, one of his shoulders was free, and she set to working at the vines cutting into his armpit. Eventually she got one of his limbs free, and smiled up at him in triumph. Then she padded around his chest until she could reach one of the vines wrapped about his shoulder. Following it with twilight optics, she let a small frown crease her brow, and smiled sheepishly up at the male before sticking her tiara beneath his chest and crouching down, rotating her skull awkwardly to get a hold of one that crossed his ribs. Sliding her fangs beneath it, she tugged at it to loosen it slightly, and then bit down as hard as her jaw muscles would allow. When it snapped, she could tell his weight shifted to a more natural balance. Easing herself out from underneath him, she blushed a little as she flicked her blue purple gaze up to his emerald one. "Sorry about that, do you think you can get the rest of these? I'll try and get your back legs free..." She tentatively offered, waiting a moment before trotting around his immense frame once more and tackling the vines wrapped about his hindquarters.
Around his ankles were a multitude of vines, and she broke their hold as much as she could, effectively freeing much of the movement in his rear end before sitting back for a small break. She didn't think he would enjoy her biting at vines so close to his private parts, so she left those for him to decide on. If he really wanted her teeth so close to that area, she would attempt to do it without blushing profusely through her pale coat. Gold dipped banner would rest itself flush with her haunch as she turned her dark indigo pools towards the features of the stranger in waiting.

image by Luisiana