
i'll hold you tight in my arms



5 Years
02-18-2014, 10:14 PM
The perfect two. They were adorable. Sweethearts without a doubt. Well, Aldoro certainly loved her. And he vowed to never leave her...even if he got mad at her. Even if she tried to kill him. He'd stay loyal to her heart, and hopefully, she would stay loyal to his. But he knew she would. He just knew it. By the way her words slithered into his ears, and how she nips at him playfully and always tells him she loves him. He loved her. She loved him. It seemed they would never part, or never split. Maybe a small fight--- but at this point, that seemed impossible. A very rare possibility. The man's eyes seemed to glow and beam with joy every time he glanced at her. He could never stop thinking about her.

He felt her soft licks and nudges, as if she was trying to tell him something. The boy lifted a brow slowly, his eyes drifting to hers as he watched her continue her tempting actions. He was only a little confused until she began to nip at his neck. Almost in a mischievous posture. Aldoro seemed to smirk lightly, and just like the first time he met her, the reaction came naturally. He returned her loving kisses, as always, and lifted the appendage closer to her up. The boy seemed to wrap it around her and bring her in closer to him. Then, he'd continue to lick her and sometimes nip playfully at her ears and neck. Fun? Yes. But this was a first for him. He's never experienced love, or the 'fun' of becoming mates with a woman. Six may just have to guide him through a bit- but without words. Aldoro nuzzled her neck and allowed his long tail to thump lightly behind him. But often, in the middle of his nuzzling, he'd sweep his tongue up her neck and stop at her cheek. Then, continue to nuzzle her. They were alone...he needed to remember that. He was with the one he loved. There was nothing to worry about...