

Virgil I


4 Years
02-18-2014, 10:24 PM
ooc: crap post is crap ;_; if canty has questions feel free to pm me <3 also, I am leaving on Friday for the whole weekend, so if this fight could be wrapped up by Thursday that would be great c: If not I can deffo manage a phone post~

Alas, the cards do not fall as the golden woman had intended, but she is a warrior. Warriors account for all options, and decisions are made in the drop of a hat. Her opponent moves in an attempt to bring them more face to face, and Virgil permits this for now. They are at a more obtuse angle (OOC: this is what I picture, with 1. Being the position Virgil was attempting, and 2 being what Six?s movement put them at) , which is fine by the golden woman. It presents her with more opportunities, after all, at least in her opinion.
Her shoulder does not hit where intended, her jaws not doing intended damage, and her right paw does not knock the woman off balance. Six?s legs seek to brace Virgil?s (although Virgil?s left paw never raised (OOC: see previous post, only her right one did), so Virgil hoped this gave her an opportunity), and the woman lets her. Alas, due to their angle, things cannot be quite so easy. Six?s left paw lands on the back of Virgil?s neck, whilst the ebony woman?s right paw lands just on top of Virgil?s left shoulder, although it is a week attachment at best. Jaws release whatever grip they had on Six?s flesh, moving to seek a different target. Top fangs hop to bite in the middle of Six?s left cheek, aiming towards the back of her face, whilst her bottom fangs hope to sink beneath Six?s bottom left jaw, once again aiming towards the back of Six?s face. She desires to grip down and crush, hoping to slaughter the jaw joint there. Alas, whilst Six?s jaws pass her nose, they deliver a moderate laceration to the middle of Virgil?s sensitive nose. Further damage to Virgil?s neck depended on the success of the goddess?s attack to the other?s jaw, for if all went according to plan then Virgil?s attack to Six?s jaw would cut off her attempt to bite Virgil?s neck.

At the same time, her left arm starts to raise, hoping to hook her left foot beneath Six?s right armpit and sink rugged claws into the delicate flesh there. However, she does not stop, muscular hind legs pushing forth in an attempt to ram the two women together. This, the golden warrioress hopes, will have two results. One, she hopes that her claws will scrape long beneath Six?s right armpit and deliver stinging wounds. Two, she hopes the sudden surge will knock the woman off balance and teeter her to the ground.
Defenses are in place the entire time; tail lashing out behind her, hind legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed between them, knees squatted, toes spread, hind claws biting into the soil for as much traction as possible. Hackles raise, head seeks to stay aligned with her spine, shoulders rolled as much as possible, neck scrunched, chin tucking as much as she can manage, jaws parting, eyes narrow and ears pin back. Due to Virgil?s raised hackles, which produce fluffier fur for protection of the golden woman?s skin, Six?s claws do not dig more than slight scratches into Virgil?s flesh. Alas, she hopes this fight will end soon all the same. The wound from her nose bleeds heavily, the pain intense, but her adrenaline keeps her focused.


Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]