
The Walker Family


02-19-2014, 12:29 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2014, 06:44 PM by Platinum.)
Name: Calleg 'Platinum' Walker
Appearance: {Well, I loooove the appearance I made for this badass, so I'm going to keep it at that.}
Rough description because I'm lazy and it's in extreme detail in the profile to the left...
Build: Tall, quite muscular, but not completely brutish, with feminine curves and a warrior's physique. The tips of her canine teeth poke out from under her top lip a little. She only has a little stump of a tail. 38" and 135 lbs.
Pelt: Ebony pelt, thick and lush, that falls perfectly over her body and ripples with the muscle underneath. A very pale silvery colour covers the top of her muzzle and encircles her eyes, winging out into points on either side like a mask from one of those fancy masquerade balls. Her tall ears are also the same colour.
Eyes: Left eye is very very pale blue, almost white in some lights. Right eye is molten red and oranges whirling around her pupil.

Personality: Stern, calm, collected, flirty sometimes, can be nice, can be manipulative, relatively quiet, confident without a doubt, mildly flirty.
Rp sample: The beast strode calmly over the terra, seeking nothing in particular. She felt the phantom swish of her once magnificent tail over the terra underfoot, while in reality the wind rustled the tufted fur of the stump now. Mismatched eyes of an eerie fire and ice gazed boredly over the plains, taking in the scenery while not really seeing it. A huff left her maw as she continued on, immense paws striking the terra with relative silence as she strode with all the confidence she always had. The sound of an angry wolf nearby attracted her attention, and the demoness trotted towards the sound of growling and slavering. What she found was something horrifying to most, and nightmare inducing to nearly all. A mangy wolf, rabid and starving, was twitching in a crazed manner behind one of the rocks littering the area. With a disgusted snort, she gazed at the filthy creature for a moment, until it noticed her and immediately lunged. Sidestepping swiftly, she brought her deadly jaws around as it sailed through the air, catching it around the throat and snapping it's frail neck without thought. Hastily dropping the dead, twitching carcass, she spat fur from her mouth and cantered over to a stream, as she had been taught to by the clan. She simply held her breath and submerged her face for as long as she could bear, which was around a minute and a half. Then she took another breath above water, and repeated it, until the taste of the mangy mutt had been washed away by the meandering current of the river. With that, the sultry beast returned to her stroll, in search of a new home, or something to entertain her for now.