



3 Years
Extra large
02-19-2014, 01:33 AM

A lot of the pack members had left the island today, Kismet probably wouldn't have realised unless he had seen them. Azalea had ordered he and Soren not to follow though, in one of her serious tones that assured them she meant business. Although a little curious as to what was happening, he had obeyed the rules, perhaps a little to do with the fact that he still had yet to cross the water that separated their island from the bulk of Alacritis. One day he would, just not today it seemed.

To begin with he'd waited at the edge of the island that his mother had crossed at, mismatched eyes watching for any sign of the pack coming back, certainly intrigued to know what was going on and why they'd all hurried away like that. Before their leave certainly hadn't been the time for questions and so they had to wait until their return. The boy could only wait for so long though and eventually he'd left to wander the island, maybe he would see who else had remained on it with he and Soren.

He saw no one on his little walk though at least he wasn't simply sat there waiting. It certainly seemed to pass the time away a lot quicker as it didn't seem like it had been that long before he heard his mother's howl. He'd have thought her to be a little calmer now, but her voice seemed a lot more urgent. Eager for answers and not wishing to disobey his mother, the pup set off to find her.

There were various wolves gathered, though he sought only for his mother, easily spying Azalea and moving swiftly to her side. She seemed very anxious, but then quite a few of the wolves present weren't exactly relaxed either. Tenderly his leant a little against his mother's side, no words for now. Questions would apparently be best kept for later, or for at least Soren anyway he assumed.