



02-19-2014, 02:26 AM
She had not been in this land for long, aimlessly traveling here and there. She had ever since her mentor had died. It had tore into her tender heart and broke off a part of it. Even still to this day it still bled. The young girl was lonelier than she had never experienced in her whole short life, leaving the pack. But she just couldn't be near the death, to walk into her mentor's den and never see him again. To sit there and never have someone understand her as much as he had. It was just pure heartbreaking. For the girl who only knew of and dreamed of love, of tender to others with her feather gentle touches, she just couldn't bring herself to stay there. So she ran, ran before her training was finished, ran before anyone knew.

So here she was, a nomadic healer, wondering around alone all day and night. She felt too scared to join another pack. To grow to close just to loose someone you cared for. She just didn't think she could handle it. She had been an outside in her pack, would she not be more so in joining another? It just wasn't worth it. So she spent her time, fighting her consent depression with daydreaming and singing about love. Oh how she loved love, the magical air about it, the butterfly feeling in her tummy, the warmth, everything she loved. Even the breakups. She knew to never give up on love, one day she would find the one. And until then, breakups would happen. She would learn from them and it would only add to her experiences.

Sand brushed the white paws of the dull brown girl, making her sharp blue eyes blink. Had she been so out of it that she hadn't realized she was heading to a beach till just now? She shrugged it off, wasn't like it had been the first nor would it be the last. The white faced girl was about to walk along the shore when a powerful howl called out from an island in the distance. Something about that howl stirred something in her. She couldn't explain what or why, but that it was pulling her towards the caller. Slowly step by step she waded into the ocean, slowly legs kicked out to make the short swim. She felt like she was in some kind of daze, a dream. Once on the other shore she shook out her brown and white fur, blue eyes wary but intent of seeing what was going on.

She had never felt this kind of pull towards anyone other then her mentor. Had never felt the need to go to the howl and muster in attendance. All her subconscious knew was that she had to be there. She would have arrived sooner had it not been for the overpowering scent of many wolves slow her to a snail's pace. Around a rock she would come, with the back of some white female towards her. Creeping along the rock, body hugging it she came into view. At once her paws back pedaled at the sight of all those wolves. What was she thinking? She didn't know if these wolves were good or bad, or even a pack! Mouth gaping she peering up at the white female on the rock that held stiff shoulders and looked rather pissed. Her blue eyes stared in awe, unable to pull herself away and swim back to the main land. Hidden from the gathered wolves other than the white female should she turn to look down at her, Amia Tulip of the Nomads was frozen to her spot. She felt rather safe, unseen except from this female who gave her the chills. Not really in a bad way, but a powerful, confident way.