


02-19-2014, 11:43 AM
Onyx paws fell softly against the ground, mud seeping in between his paws from the storm that raged above him. Rain pelted his body, the cold water seeping into every poor, dampening to the core. Head down, his ears pinned against his head, trying in vain to keep the water from seeping inside. He drew himself to the thick of the trees, pausing to shake once he was under their thick and protecting branches. Water spewed from his coat, and though the trees provided some protection from the falling rain, he could still feel slight drops pattering against his frame. He let out a disgruntled grunt, before pursuing the shadows further into the welcoming darkness of the trees. His dark coat would blend into the shadows, the ivory marking that donned his forehead the only feature that would stand out in the blackness.

The trees twisted away from the raging river, and he could hear the movements of other animals, a bark of a stag and the slight call of an owl. Creatures were bedding down for the night, but not he. No, he was far to used to the concealing powers of the darkness. He would move quietly, bypassing the creatures he stumbled upon. He was interested in them, he'd only bring death upon them anyways. Claws dug into the tactile ground, pulling his focus back from the verge of his mind, and he'd pause his frame pressing against a small tree, letting out a shaky breath. He would be unaware of any other who would dare trespass on him, here in the fragile state of mind. Who had guessed that a bringer of death would find redemption so hard?