
the future is bright



6 Years
02-19-2014, 12:52 PM

With age came independence and that independence was quickly turning into isolation and alienation. The young Maverick look alike was beginning to spend less and less time around his family and more time at the borders of the territory, if not wandering out past its borders. The girl Zaria had dug her claws deep into the young man and the need to wander and find his own place in the world was beginning to rear its head. He no longer craved the time with his family as he did when he was much smaller. Now all he wanted to do was be away, be on his own, exploring, learning, discovering...and being with Zaria of course. It had been quite some time since he had last seen the dark girl and Caeto was beginning to get restless. He wanted to see her again but with the change in leadership to his grandmother Loccian, the adults had begun to get a little more strict with the younger pups, like himself and his siblings and there were more prying eyes out about now, which made it wandering off just a little bit more difficult. It was more difficult, but not impossible for the young Mathias.

That day he would find himself at the borders once again, as he had begun to do since having met Zaria, waiting and hoping that she would want to come back and take him away from the pack. He already felt an attachment to her, though what kind of attachment he wasn't quite sure. He just knew that he wanted to see her more often and be around her a whole lot more, but the real question was; did she feel the same way? Would he even get the chance to find out? A summoning howl broke his thoughts, ivory and russet ears flickering in the direction of the call, realizing that his father was summoning the family. A confused look would wrinkle his brows as he raised himself to his paws, shaking his coat out briefly before starting off in the direction of his father's voice. Something was going on obviously, or else he wouldn't be calling the entire family. With quiet curiosity Caeto would make his weave his way through the shrubbery and foliage, azures spotting his father's familiar russet figure perched atop some roots, looking every bit of the King that he truly was, despite no longer being in charge of their pack. The boy would say nothing to his father as he approached, coming to plop down right in front of the large russet man, spotted haunches folding beneath him as he sat. Attentive gaze would be trained on his father, waiting to see who else would show up and what this little gathering was going to be about.

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