
What about the boat[joining]


02-19-2014, 02:00 PM
If I only could

make a deal with god

Eva couldn't get all these branches out of her fur, they were more twigs than anything. Now also her fur was soaked with water, though the sun was doing a good job of crying it, getting her fur tangled within the little twigs in her fur. Luckily no injuries, but that storm had done a number on her, where was her brother? More than that, where was she. And she felt fear crawling in her chest but she tried to keep calm, though she stepped on a painful rock near the borders of a scent line. "By Denki, why did this have to happen." Eva said shaking the pebble free from her paw. She stopped though, she couldn't cross these borders, that'd be a bad idea as any.

"I have to find somewhere to rest, if anything." Eva's sea green eyes shined brightly as she searched around. Leave the borders alone, leave them alone. You can't cause trouble, otherwise you'll definitely get hurt and that isn't good. Eva growled to herself, she looked at the sky. "Don't suppose any of you could help me. Denki, Itsume, Zakuro?" she said but then groaned, of course they wouldn't she had to figure this out herself. Well, getting these twigs out of her fur would be a good start. So she sat, trying to stretch her neck around to grab them, though she did not succeed.