


02-19-2014, 02:45 PM

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might take my place

when i wake up i'm afraid somebody else might end up being me

Sleep had not found him for many days since his arrival in the Rock Garden. Ebony was his home, but he did miss the humidity and comfort of his swamplands. Knowing that Raisa was nearby in her den was a comfort, but the man could no longer still the voices that seemed so adamant to swim inside his skull. They did not wish him to rest.

So when a sound demanding immediate attention reached his auds, he found no reason to continue lying in his den. He would go and follow his queen to the border of the Rock Garden and see who had summoned. Paws seemed to barely touch the ground as he followed at a good distance behind her. It was not long before he caught sight of the man who had summoned. He was nearly shining like a beacon with bright off-white fur and ruby red eyes. He had golden bangles on his front legs that shone in the moonlight. He was definitely a sight.

Golden eyes met rubies as the queen welcomed the man to their newly formed pack. The stranger did not appear to harbor any ill will to her, but none could be certain of such things. Fugue did not dare sit, but he made himself visible and comfortable standing just to the right of his queen. She would not face the man alone if it came to a battle.


"Talk" Think "You"