



02-19-2014, 02:53 PM

Surprisingly the mismatched babe had bounded in with him, and had even swam by his side up to the bank. Lips parted as a boisterous laugh split the silence between them, his mouth agape as he smiled warmly at her. He would tread forward until the water was just below his elbow, his sun kissed gaze seeking her royal optics. His stomach was flip flopping within him, as he was overwhelmed with joy and his attraction toward Twig. "I love to swim!" He exclaimed, his stubby tail wiggling madly from side to side, causing water to splash in all directions behind him. He would laugh at himself for doing so, as he thought it was funny how his tail was capable of splashing water when he wiggled it. His right brow would raise as he looked her up and down, his lips creasing into a slight smirk. "Wet looks cute on you," He would chuckle, making a harmless joke about her damp pelt with a quick wink of an eye. He would wade closer to the bank until just his paws were beneath the water. Droplets would fly in all directions as he shook his entire body, the wave beginning through his head and ending with a wiggle of his rump. Happily he would sigh, he enjoyed feeling clean, especially when he was bathing beside a beautiful woman. Could this day get any better? "So, what do you do for fun?" He would inquire, a smile played across his lips, and a mischievous gleam placed within his eyes. What did she enjoy, eh? Did she like to play? Perhaps hunt? Swim, track, or run? There were so many things he wanted to ask her, but first he investigate the most important subjects- And what made her happy was very important to Themisto. He would crane his neck toward the water and begin to lap the surface, quenching his thirst as she had moments ago. He would continue until she responded, as he was very thirsty and slightly dehydrated.
