



02-19-2014, 03:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 03:51 PM by Themisto.)

He would bound from the battlefield, his senses hot on Chyrsanthe's trail as he pursued the broken soul endlessly. She seemed to be heading eastward, and despite his tiring legs and screaming thirst, he would continue on, his heart overtaken by sadness. He could only imagine how badly she felt, and it hurt him. He would attempt to pant through the bundle of herbs and bandages within his mouth, but it was hard to breathe other than out his nose. He had grown accustomed to overcoming great feats over Chrystanthe, so this chase had been expected from the taupe man. He would bow to her every command, even kiss her feet if she'd allow it. Twig's beautiful features crossed his mind, and her voice whispered sweet lullabys, which brought a smile to his face. Though it would quickly fade as Chrysanthe took over, pushing all other thoughts from his mind. She was hurt, emotionally and physically, and he needed to help her despite his mixed emotions.

Finally she seemed to stop within sea's plain, and he would begin inspecting every inch of the territory until he found her. He would break free of the thick vegetation, which revealed the ocean and a wide sandy beach. There, upon the horizon, was the figure of a wolf, and at that moment he knew he had finally caught up with her. He would rush toward her, reaching the bank within a few lengthy strides. Slowing to a trot he would come to a complete stop only feet from her, sun kissed gaze searching desperately for her pools of hypnotizing cobalt. He would set his herbs and bandages on the sand so that he could speak to her, as he had so much to say. "Chrysanthe... Let me help you." He would murmur, and come forth and proceed to dress her wounds without waiting for permission. Tenderly his tongue would stoke the laceration on the left side of her neck, audits flicked backward as he waited for her to respond.
