



6 Years
02-19-2014, 03:55 PM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 04:47 PM by Azalea.)

Chrysanthe had lost. The weight of it hit her like a freight train and made black spots creep into the edges of her vision. The pale wench was a puppet to Isardis, clearly or else he would have no business here. The female spoke up, telling them that there were free to go. Free to leave. Her heart began to climb back into the cavern of her chest and then, ?You may all leave at your own will, save for Azalea?s children, who will be given to Glaciem?? There was a pause and then more words but Azalea felt like she had been shoved under water. She wouldn't breathe or hear anything well.

Slowly she realized her hackles were raising, her head lowering in line with her spine and her tail curling over her back tightly as she moved through all the appropriate emotions. Shock, grief, anger. Anger held not hardly the weight to describe how she felt. Rage. She took a heavy step forward, feeling like stones weighed down her paws. She was tense, ready to jump on the bi-eyed she-wolf and dismember her in the most brutal of ways.

Her sister was there, clearly just as furious with the situation. " You take pride in stealing our home? Your no queen, your a puppet following the kings order, you have your kingdom, but why take my family? Leave Soren and Kismet be!"

The words fell largely on deaf ears though they really weren't intended for Azalea. There was no stopper for the throbbing beast that was building inside her being. "GET BACK!" Her words were venomous, directed to her younger sibling who seemed so ready to fight for her family. Adravendi's would always fight for their own.

In the haze that made only her enemies clear, Azalea had lost awareness of where everyone else was. Perhaps they had all left to tend to Chrys? It didn't matter to her where they went or if they stayed.

Azalea stepped out in to meet her opponent, letting just a handful of feet separate her fangs from the stanger's jugular. She would need that distance, if she wanted to remain a whole wolf. She would need that distance, if she didn't want to see her body parts splayed at opposite sides of this field. There was no mercy for those who would threaten what was hers and already the she-devil had taken too much.

Sitting by was not an option.

So Azalea stood, body squared before the female, her legs bent to put her closer to the ground. Her ears pulled back, trying to fuse with her skull to avoid the potential of being ripped from her body. Her tail still curved over her back, cocky as she stood calculating her enemy with a fire in her eyes. You know the funny thing about Azaleas? For all their beauty they are also poisonous."

The wolf before her was no more than a child, just as Azalea was at a year old. Young and looking for direction, perhaps that is why she fell to the "charms" of Isardis. You are no more than a puppet in his game and you will regret the day that you chose to side with a shyster such as he."

Azalea looked at the female, reading her build and comparing to her own. Broad chest and average size, the female was not very different from herself. Azalea, in a whole, was fairly average. She had a small, thin built mother and a tank of a father and for her that had translated into a wolf on the smaller size with nothing remarkable. She had a mouth for talking, legs for running, lungs for breathing, and a heart for loving. This wolf before her, though? A drone, manipulated and controlled and surely on the verge of becoming just another oven for the spawn of the phantom.

Her nerves felt raw as she took another step forward, her eyes narrowed and dark where they were usually wide and bright. "Artemis, plaything to Isardis, it is against me to let you leave this field alive. May whatever comes after take pity on your young and misguided soul."

That was all their was before Azalea lowered and shoved off, splayed toes digging into the ground as she charged, tail now falling to tuck between her legs for protection just as her ears had grabbed at her skull.

Jaws stood agape and her body fainted to the left to move alongside the wolf who had minutes before felled her aunt. Her head turned right, fangs aimed at the soft and loose skin at the flank and onto the belly. Gutting the she-wolf would only be the beginning to her 5-star ending. her body was braced, still in motion but she was doing her best to avoid being knocked over to the left by the wolf if that was what was to come. He teeth aimed them for the back leg, above the knee, looking to shred it if that was in the cards. Azalea really didn't care where she put holes in the female in the end, just as long as she bled for her actions.

She wouldn't take anymore chances, Azalea dodging to the left now, seeking to get out of range of Artemis and her fangs. Azalea's wide spread toes held the ground as if she was afraid it wouldn't suddenly drop out from below her. Her legs were bent again, all her defenses resetting as her mind planned ahead. The shoulders. Artemis had knocked her shoulders several times, how much wear would it take before they really took damage? Perhaps she should find out. Her own shoulders rolled in now, them and her head standing guard against an attach on her neck.

It was hard to say what the outcome here would be. Azalea only knew that there was no coming back from this. How could she? Either she would be dead or she would be a killer. She would be the wolf who slaughtered a child, someone's baby, someone's friend, and maybe someone's whole world.


Azalea v. Artemis for Death

Round 1 of -- ?

Defense: tail tucked, eyes narrowed, legs bent, toes splayed, shoulders rolled, weight balanced, ears back

Attack: Lunged forward the to the left (Artemis's right) where she is attempting to rip open Artemis's flank and shred her back right leg. Since you all love diagrams I have made on‌e =D --> click
