
I am me! and i will always be(joining/open)


03-23-2013, 07:43 PM

Eyes would rove over her frame appraisingly. She was black and white, but in odd places. Her eyes were purple, much like his father's, and she was rather small - or smaller than he, at least. Overall she looked harmless, which led him to believe that she must be here to join, rather than to cause problems. The Prince was glad of this. She would introduce herself, giving her name as Segolia Minsi. Her voice was easy on the ears, and the Prince gave a smile. She then spoke of wanting to join the pack. This made him rather excited, but he would keep his exterior very calm and collected.

What do you know of my home, Lady Segolia? Have you been informed of our way of life? He would ask this curiously, wondering if perhaps she had chosen them for a reason, or if she was simply joining blindly. Joining blindly would be strange, but it had certainly happened before. As he stood there waiting for a response, a fluffy creature with auburn fur slick with water would emerge and crawl nimbly between the Prince's legs, coming to rest in a comical sitting position between his front paws. The creature was an otter, Maverick's newest friend. The otter, Belatro, chirped happily but said not a word. He loved Maverick dearly, but was unsure who this female wolf was. Maverick reached down and nuzzled the otter's head before bringing his lime gaze back to Segolia.
