
the climb



2 Years
02-19-2014, 08:49 PM

At three months of age, he was growing handsomely and felt more confident than ever. His paws had grown much more accustomed to following the precise orders of his brain, and so he was confident now that the mile high woods was the next place within Glaciem's bounds that he would conquer. His mother truly seemed to adore it, and it was time he learned why. From the pines to the woods the trees thinned out in density, but the trunks grew wider and thicker. The trees were fewer in number, but made up for it in sheer size. He felt as if he were among giants. Eyes of emerald set upon a tree he thought the easiest to scale, for its branches bent low before curling upward toward the heavens. If he got enough momentum and precision in his jump he could just make the meniscus of the curve. The bark would hopefully be enough for him to grip onto with his claws so that he didn't go sailing over the limb and into the dirt beyond it. That would certainly not be a princely thing to do.

The prince of the north would set his paws into motion, each one pounding the earth at a different moment as he galloped toward the chosen limb. His head ducked low, falling into line with his spine instinctively as, at the last second, he pushed off with his hind limbs and flung his bodice into the air. The jump had been miscalculated by a degree, though somehow he managed to get three of his four paws onto the rough surface of the bark. He teetered precariously for a moment before managing to reel his fourth paw into place in order to steady himself. Tail flagged out for added balance as he maneuvered his bodice forty-five degrees and began to scale the limb of the tree. A bark of triumph was uttered from the twenty eight pound boy's lips, followed by a second, and a third. The prince was most pleased.

[Image: kyarst_bot_zps49a3e6da.jpg]

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.