


02-19-2014, 11:46 PM

A call rang forth, the voice familiar yet he had never heard a call like this before from this particular individual. Rising from his seated place overlooking the cliffs, he turned to find the source of the voice. Valhalla had been lost, and he unsure as to how exactly it happened. But he knew none would follow the enemy's pawn...or so he hoped. Those that did choose to do so, were not the family he thought they were or would be. One did not simply turn their backs on those who they once called family. It was dishonorable, it was cold. Sephiroth could never do such a thing without good reason, and so it was with those thoughts he would choose to remain with the ones who had taken him in and given him a home...becoming the family he had lost so long ago.

It did not take long for him to arrive, already several had shown. To his surprise, the white she-wolf he had come to know as a motherly figure to most if not all of the Valhallans, was sitting at the head of the group. Stepping forth to stand before he, he dipped his head in a respectful nod as aquamarine gaze swam with questions. "Erani, it is nice to see you. I see you've recovered well." A smile would pull up his ivory lips, dual toned figure stepping forward to give the woman a courteous bow as was customary to those of higher rankings and standing back home. However, only if he respected them. And Erani was definitely one of those to be respected, she was a gifted healer after all, and one of the best that ever walked the lands. Rising back to his standing stature, he would take a step or two back before seating himself, a prickling thought about what this meeting might hold. He had an idea of Erani's purpose today, and he would support her 100%.

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark