

Twig I


02-20-2014, 12:03 AM

She would swim in the water as well as in his delighted laughter, the smile that ayes across her features was thanks in no small part to him. Since she had found herself in his presence the joy that arose from within and without had not ceased, ?and as she swam with him it would only increase. He would exclaim his love for the water, and she had to agree with him. It was not often she took time to enjoy life, to swim in a clear lake, to enjoy the day with a complete stranger... His stump of a tail would splash at the water's surface and her giggle would intertwine with his own. Her orchid gaze would find his form as she saw him look her over, she would feel a flush come over her features as he would compliment her saturated form. She would look away shyly, but would quickly find his form again as he waded forward to the shore. He would shake himself of the water as she would slowly wade towards the edge of the water. Her soaked tail would sway happily as he continued, a question would caress her dark ears. What did she do for... Fun? There was hardly much of that word within her vocabulary, she trained and she enjoyed her family as well as practicing her camouflage. But... Fun? Being with him was the most fun she had experienced since her child hood.?"I don't.. I haven't had fun in years, Themisto. Today has been the most I've laughed since I was a child." she would half heartedly laugh at her life's events, the tragedy that happened only months before revisiting her minds eye. Her gaze would scone distant as the memories were relived, her voice becoming silent with the huge amount of raw emotion that threatened to overwhelm her. Themisto was far away as the girl heard the screams and saw the blood stain the earth once more. She would gasp as she felt her knees buckle and the ?earth greet her form. She didn't realize she would probably scare the man away, but as she found herself again in the mortal world she found she could no longer hold herself together. Tears would stream down her cheeks as she started rocking back and forth to comfort herself. Vaguely she would register his face, and she would feel words begin to fall from her lips as she desperately tried to explain.
"My name is Ashley Black, I am of the Legion of Black. I lived and trained with my family in a pack far from here. We were as happy as could be expected, up until about five or six moons ago. That's when... That's when he attacked us." a new wave of tears would fall from her glassy eyes, as she let her head fall to her paws. She didn't know if Themisto had heard her, she wasn't even completely aware he was still with her. She could understand if he had run off, someone so happy and joyful couldn't be burdened with someone as broken as she.?
