



02-20-2014, 12:03 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth was considerably confused.

She had heard the call for the challenge, just as many others of the pack had, but her aversion to the trip across the shallow stretch of ocean that separated their island home from the mainland had prevented her from following. As she saw it, someone needed to hang back and keep an eye on things on the island until the higher ups returned, and since she was in no rush to go jumping back into that watery trek she felt qualified to stay.

But this was not the voice she had been waiting for. She answered the call with the same ready curiosity that she would have had it been Chrysanthe gathering Valhalla together, deferring to Erani's seniority and the respect she held for the healer, though her expression was puzzled as she hurriedly trotted with Leon through the denser section of the island toward the edge where she gathered the call to have originated from. What had happened? Why was Chrysanthe not the one to call the pack together? It had only been a challenge, a small trial compared to everything else that their Alpha had gone against and conquered before. Had something gone wrong this time?

By the time the slim, small grey wolf and her newly announced mate padded clear of the vegetation, there was already a decent-sized gathering. As she scanned across the faces, she realized that the one she had been seeking was not there and pressed gently against Leon's shoulder. Where was Chrysanthe? If the challenge was over - if everyone was returning - why was she not among them? Growing increasingly anxious, Ashtoreth shared a nervous look with Leon before she padded forward to join them, noting unpleasantly the overall sense of unrest that seemed most prevalent. Something had happened, that much was blatantly obvious. But what?

She had merely intended to take a seat in their midst, as she usually did, but instead she found herself walking through them, heedless of whether Leon followed or had stopped somewhere amongst them. Ashtoreth continued until she stood before Erani, too troubled by worries to show the typical patience that she could normally muster. Goodness, she looked so stern and rigid. "Erani?" she asked, voice just remaining smooth though she felt anything but calm, "What happened?"