
// Silent Surroundings


02-20-2014, 01:21 AM

It wasn't a mystery that the pup had learned no manners. He didn't feel the need to be respectful to his elders, he didn't even worry for his life. Splashing the water and mud onto the woman hadn't been just because she was older, or because he had no respect- it had been because she needed to know that she was below him. She was less than he. He would stare up at her, a fire burning in his crimson pools, as she had the audacity to ask how he could speak to her in such a tone. Hackles raised, and teeth bared he snarled at her, unawares as too how pathetic (and adorable) the snarl could sound to an older wolf.

"Who are you to ask who I am, peon?" He spat his words, venom flying as he powered further towards her, hoping to force her to back out of the water. Each step would be a stomp, sending more droplets flying, hopefully dousing the wraith. His aggression towards was unfounded of course but that didn't calm the storm of hell within his chest.

ooc: sorry for the wait. life sucks. reply sucks. everything sucks. :_:

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